Saturday, March 12, 2011

Art Updates! Yay!

Some art updates for everyone!

Anthony, Robbie and David welcome you! =D

On top of this, the first official sprite has now been sketched out. :) My artist's block is slowly lifting. Yay! <3

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Updates on Programming stuff

Due to the crisis' going on in my family, I haven't had time to do much of any art for the project, but I do have some updates for you guys!

After some talking, I have decided not to make the game a stat raiser. Since it's my first game, it seems better to keep it a bit simpler. The events themselves are going to be hard to program, so I'll be sticking with one difficult thing instead of two.

That being said, I've almost finished reading through the first batch of tutorials and have been trying to figure out the event programming. So, I am still working on things when I have the time. :) I hope to be back with more updates again soon.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

CG Write-Ups

I officially have three CG scenes written up now! My first time writing CG scenes properly, so I'm excited! May not be huge progress, but it's still something, right? =D


Late Night Post

Just starting to get over this stupid virus... But I thought I'd let you all know that, despite not getting any art done for the game, I HAVE been doing "research".

By research, I mean I've been playing a whole bunch of other Visual Novels/Sim games. They really are so much fun! I wish that more of the Japanese ones were translated, though.. I don't get it, really. Considering how many anime/manga translators there are out there - and how often they get shut down because of the series' getting licenced - you'd think that more of them would translate games (after all, not many of these games ever see an English release, sadly =( ).

Oh well. I will just have to do my best to keep encouraging my fellow English-Language VN makers! And do my best to get back to work on making my own. <3

P.S: If you have any recommendations for VNs for me to play - OEL or translated - feel free to say so. =D <3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Aside from some sketches, I haven't gotten much done the last few days. I'm very sorry, guys. On top of family things, I've been sick... ^^;

I promise there will be more updates soon! <3