Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sprites Started!

Just wanted to say that I did get started on my first game sprite today! \o/

I will be sending them over to my friend, Shaian, when I get them sketched; He's volunteered to help me get the inking done, which is going to be a HUGE help! I am so excited to get this under way!

Thanks again for all of the support, guys. <3

Friday, November 11, 2011

First Background Done!

Just need to post again because I am SO happy to say I got the first background for Budding Romance done. Yayyyy! \o/

Gunna try and start on the first game sprites soon. :] Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Budding Romance Updates

Okay, so!

First off, I made some game buttons! But Novelty is giving me a lot of shit, and keeps crashing.. So, now I'm back to doing research in Ren'Py. I've started writing out the coding as well, although I am probably giving up on using the buttons I made in Ren'Py. For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to want to let me use my buttons on the main menu... 

Might go back and try again later, but for now, I'm just gunna shrug it off and not worry about it. The content is more important than the way the buttons look. xD 

That being said, I'm hoping to get to work on some of the art in the next few days. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Budding Romance - Big Updates

After all of that hiatus time, I really am back with a vengeance people!

I did some note taking this morning, and have gotten some more things figured out. As I said yesterday, the script is already written out, so now I just need to get the rest of it done (lol).

I have a rough sketch now for how I want the menu/title page to look. I have worked out I will be making about six sprites, with five expressions each; I will be making about five CG scenes, and will need about seven backgrounds.

Needless to say, this is MUCH smaller and simpler than Waiting on Love, which is going to be put on hiatus until I get this finished. Once this is done, I'll have a better handle on how to actually make the games, and then I can move on to something more complicated.

I have also decided to stick with the anime style art for this game, since that seems to be what the VN community prefers.

I just don't know if I want to try and do all the art digitally or not....

What do you know

So, after deciding I wanted to write a simple script to practice with... I ended up coming up with an idea and the sample script is already finished being written. LOL

I'm trying to experiment with Novelty, which is proving to be quite.. Complicated, despite how easy I thought it was going to be..

But I will try and come up with some simple art so that I can start experimenting properly. Look forward to it! :D

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm Really Not Dead

I haven't disappeared, I promise.

The last few months have been pretty crazy. Got a new boyfriend, had another family member die, got some new friends, had some problems involving my man's parents, got a job, moved into my own place... Suffice it to say, I've been busy!

But I haven't given up on my goals!

I'm thinking of testing out an even smaller visual novel, just to get a better idea of the components; Although I'm still not sure what it will be - or if I want to play more with Ren'Py, or if I will try Novelty. Either way, I promise I will update more as soon as I figure more stuff out.

Thank you for your continued patience! <3

Friday, April 29, 2011


Apologies, once again. I'm not giving up on my game, so don't worry. Things have just gotten very complicated in my life recently.

My four year long relationship has ended, and I've been in the process of moving out... And to top that off, my Nana is in the hospital again and really not doing well this time...

So, apologies again, but I will not be giving up on this! Thanks for your continued support, guys. <3

Friday, April 1, 2011

Still Here (Been on brief hiatus)

I haven't disappeared or given up, just thought I should let you all know.

I've been extremely sick for over a week now, so I haven't been able to do anything at all. Pretty much been laying on the couch and doing nothing other than watching movies... So, I'm sorry to say no progress has been made.

BUT I'm not giving up. I'll do my best to get back to things once I get well. Don't forget about me, okay? ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Art Updates! Yay!

Some art updates for everyone!

Anthony, Robbie and David welcome you! =D

On top of this, the first official sprite has now been sketched out. :) My artist's block is slowly lifting. Yay! <3

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Updates on Programming stuff

Due to the crisis' going on in my family, I haven't had time to do much of any art for the project, but I do have some updates for you guys!

After some talking, I have decided not to make the game a stat raiser. Since it's my first game, it seems better to keep it a bit simpler. The events themselves are going to be hard to program, so I'll be sticking with one difficult thing instead of two.

That being said, I've almost finished reading through the first batch of tutorials and have been trying to figure out the event programming. So, I am still working on things when I have the time. :) I hope to be back with more updates again soon.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

CG Write-Ups

I officially have three CG scenes written up now! My first time writing CG scenes properly, so I'm excited! May not be huge progress, but it's still something, right? =D


Late Night Post

Just starting to get over this stupid virus... But I thought I'd let you all know that, despite not getting any art done for the game, I HAVE been doing "research".

By research, I mean I've been playing a whole bunch of other Visual Novels/Sim games. They really are so much fun! I wish that more of the Japanese ones were translated, though.. I don't get it, really. Considering how many anime/manga translators there are out there - and how often they get shut down because of the series' getting licenced - you'd think that more of them would translate games (after all, not many of these games ever see an English release, sadly =( ).

Oh well. I will just have to do my best to keep encouraging my fellow English-Language VN makers! And do my best to get back to work on making my own. <3

P.S: If you have any recommendations for VNs for me to play - OEL or translated - feel free to say so. =D <3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Aside from some sketches, I haven't gotten much done the last few days. I'm very sorry, guys. On top of family things, I've been sick... ^^;

I promise there will be more updates soon! <3

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Profiles Complete!


Profile pictures are all completed and posted! :D <3

David's Profile

David's profile is officially finished and uploaded in the appropriate section! Two more to go now. :) <3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Josie Profile

Josie's profile is officially finished and uploaded! Go check it out in the projects section! <3

The boys' profiles should be up soon as well, so stay tuned!


And our last eligible bachelor is officially designed! <3 I'm hoping to get some profile pieces done up for the main cast now, so that is probably the next thing on my list of things to do for this game. =D 

Anyways, other sketches got done on the weekend - you can find them on our DA group. ;) <3 I'll try and have some more finished things for you all soon. 

Ciao! <3

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Not much to update, but I thought I'd let you all know that the last eligible man, Robbie, has officially been sketched out now.

That's all for now. Pics to come. ;) <3

Thursday, February 17, 2011


The tsundere manager of Josie's cafe is eligible boy number two in Waiting on Love. :) Finally got his design ready!

Also, there's now a DA group for Kinki-Skiddles, which you can find at:  :) <3


Not much to report, but here's a finished drawing of David. :)  Hopefully I'll have more art for you guys soon. :D <3

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Moving Along

More to report!

I figured out how to do transparent backgrounds, which is definitely important for the type of game I'm making... xD Obviously, got a new picture of Josie all done and I have a sketch of David finished and ready to go. I'm thinking these two pictures will be used when I'm making profiles, which is always handy.

Also, have some more people signed on to help with beta testing! AND a friend who is working on a logo for this project, which is great news. =D

So, more progress has been made. <3

Monday, February 14, 2011

More Updates

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just a few updates for you guys!

First off, I now have two people signed on as beta-testers. :) <3 Anddddd I also have the first few pages of the script for Waiting on Love written up, which is a good start. 

I also have a Valentine's Day picture of two of the characters in the work that I'm working on for my boyfriend. I'll post a picture up here later on. 

Ciao! <3

Edit : The two characters you see here are Josie and David, two of the main characters in the game. Once again, Happy V-Day everyone. <3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Small Progress Report

More things to report!

Yesterday, I managed to get write-up's for most of the characters! I also have places written up, stat attributes, what kind of backgrounds I'm going to need... And I'm now about half way through the first batch of tutorials. I can now get text to work, a character on the screen and I can change positioning of the character sprites...

So! Small steps forward, but progress is progress! 8)   <3

Oh! And I got some more sketches drawn up. If you wanna see the rough work, you can find them on my Tumblr. Links are up in the link section. :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

First Update

The Current Projects page is now officially up and running! You can find a plot synopsis, along with info on characters, etc. on that page. :)

I'd like to say that some rough character sketches of Josie have been made and there has been some discussion on which style will be used. More experimentation will be done with the art style and once that's done, some properly drawn character profiles should be done promptly.

I've also got two more friends on board for helping with the production, I am pleased to say. Hopefully there will be more updates soon. <3

Friday, February 11, 2011


So this blog finally has come to life! I guess, first thing's first, I'm Miss-Mae and I'll be your guide through this site. :)

I've finally decided that I will be trying my hand at making my first game through Ren'Py. Originally, I had wanted to make my Felisian Chronicles games, but I decided to start with something that would be easier, since I am new to programming.

So, I've decided to take my short story Waiting on Love, and making it into a game. I've already got someone signed on to be a script editor and have talked to a close friend about helping me with logos. I have also gotten the brief ideas for the characters all written out and I intend to start working on sketches sometime very soon.

Anyone who wants to help me with this, please feel free to get in touch with me:

Thanks for reading! <3