Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sprites Started!

Just wanted to say that I did get started on my first game sprite today! \o/

I will be sending them over to my friend, Shaian, when I get them sketched; He's volunteered to help me get the inking done, which is going to be a HUGE help! I am so excited to get this under way!

Thanks again for all of the support, guys. <3

Friday, November 11, 2011

First Background Done!

Just need to post again because I am SO happy to say I got the first background for Budding Romance done. Yayyyy! \o/

Gunna try and start on the first game sprites soon. :] Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Budding Romance Updates

Okay, so!

First off, I made some game buttons! But Novelty is giving me a lot of shit, and keeps crashing.. So, now I'm back to doing research in Ren'Py. I've started writing out the coding as well, although I am probably giving up on using the buttons I made in Ren'Py. For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to want to let me use my buttons on the main menu... 

Might go back and try again later, but for now, I'm just gunna shrug it off and not worry about it. The content is more important than the way the buttons look. xD 

That being said, I'm hoping to get to work on some of the art in the next few days. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Budding Romance - Big Updates

After all of that hiatus time, I really am back with a vengeance people!

I did some note taking this morning, and have gotten some more things figured out. As I said yesterday, the script is already written out, so now I just need to get the rest of it done (lol).

I have a rough sketch now for how I want the menu/title page to look. I have worked out I will be making about six sprites, with five expressions each; I will be making about five CG scenes, and will need about seven backgrounds.

Needless to say, this is MUCH smaller and simpler than Waiting on Love, which is going to be put on hiatus until I get this finished. Once this is done, I'll have a better handle on how to actually make the games, and then I can move on to something more complicated.

I have also decided to stick with the anime style art for this game, since that seems to be what the VN community prefers.

I just don't know if I want to try and do all the art digitally or not....

What do you know

So, after deciding I wanted to write a simple script to practice with... I ended up coming up with an idea and the sample script is already finished being written. LOL

I'm trying to experiment with Novelty, which is proving to be quite.. Complicated, despite how easy I thought it was going to be..

But I will try and come up with some simple art so that I can start experimenting properly. Look forward to it! :D

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm Really Not Dead

I haven't disappeared, I promise.

The last few months have been pretty crazy. Got a new boyfriend, had another family member die, got some new friends, had some problems involving my man's parents, got a job, moved into my own place... Suffice it to say, I've been busy!

But I haven't given up on my goals!

I'm thinking of testing out an even smaller visual novel, just to get a better idea of the components; Although I'm still not sure what it will be - or if I want to play more with Ren'Py, or if I will try Novelty. Either way, I promise I will update more as soon as I figure more stuff out.

Thank you for your continued patience! <3